Thursday, May 3, 2012

Upcoming Events in Auburn Pennsylvania

Some of our local events for Auburn include:

Sub Sales - Runs from September to April
Monthly Ticket Sales
Spaghetti Dinner - May 5, 4 - 7 pm
Holiday Raffle Tickets
Winter Soup & Bake Sales
Kauffman's Chicken BBQ - March
Family Nights - May & June
Pig Roast & Block Party - August

Adult Volunteers

If you are an adult and interested in making a difference in the Auburn community, just call (570) 754-3014. We will help you get any training you need.

Students! Join our Jr. Fire or EMS Programs

Hey! Students, why not join the Jr. Fire or EMS Programs.

For EMS interest, call Judy at (570) 754-3014 to meet at the ambulance building.

For those interested in the Jr. Fire Program, Fire meets every Wednesday at 6 pm at the Fire House.

Just stop by or call Judy if you are interested in helping make a difference in your community.

Controlled Burning

Are you about to have a controlled burn? Before you start, Call (570) 628-3792 to report a controlled burn. This prevents needless calls for firefighters to respond to unknown controlled burns. Emergencies that can easily be avoided.

Please be sure there isn't a burn ban during drought or extremely dry weather.

2012 Fund Drive for Auburn Fire & Auburn Ambulance

2012 Fund Drive for Auburn Fire & Auburn Ambulance

The 2012 Fund Drive for the Auburn Fire Company and the Auburn Ambulance is underway. You should receive your fundraiser pack in the mail. If you do not, please feel free to call Judy at (570) 754-3014 to have one mailed to you.

Any donation is greatly appreciated. Although the Auburn Ambulance and the Auburn Fire Company are in separate buildings, they still work closely together. Your tax-deductible donation goes a long way to ensure the safety of all residents.

The Auburn Fire Company and Auburn Ambulance serves the areas of Auburn, West Brunswick, and South Manheim Townships.